Wooop. Where is the background?
profile daniel lobatoDaniel Lobato
LA - New York - Geneva - Madrid
All around developer
Eager mind, friend, discovering the beauty of the tech world, founder at ShakeYourArt and co-founder at Expogamer.
Nice guy.
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Especially motivated about web technologies, mobile and how do computers work at a very low level. I like to see how banking is applying artificial intelligence and other branches of computer science to itself.
Geek Stack
Cool tools: Ruby, Rails, jQuery, Coffeescript, Java, Clojure MIPS assembly, HTML5, Scrum, github, eXtreme programming.
Favorite Caffeine: Tea. Rockstar if I am on a rush.
Desktop OS: Ubuntu.
Phone OS: Sony Ericsson Xperia x10 w Android 4.0.
Text Editor: Mostly vim.
Top Skills: Backend, Leader, hard worker, enthusiast.
Education / Degrees: Computer Science & Engineering at University of California Irvine and Universidad Carlos III of Madrid bilingual program.
First Programming Language Learned: ASP

Daniel Lobato - All around developer